the language of the stars masterclass

Dragon archetype is about color and frequency. A vision of God. The ability to work with your spirit guide of a dragon. They are heroes of every story. Galactic as they are angelic, dragons are the seers of past, present, and future. They offer gentle guidance to us in the form love and devotion. They carry the frequency of strengthen, devotion, and vulnerability. Dragons are honored in several cultures of their galactic connections and wisdom. But since they are carriers of truth, this makes them vulnerable to attacks. Many fear dragons, but they are out of love and peace. They remind us strengthen is inner, along with wisdom. As we honor ourself in the great gift of life, we receive so much in return. Each dragon represents a ray of color and energy ( like this color wheel tapestry) Some may need vitality, or unconditional love. But each dragon serves a purpose to connect you to the great divine source of the ethereal and divine God Source Creator of all
Join us in the window of the Lunar New Year as Kate Hula + Roxy Ghoraishy + Karen Weitz bring forth a six week masterclass to attune with the dragon guides and learn about the dragon prophecy through sacred ceremony, rituals, the akashic records and connecting with the ancient wisdom and technology of dragons.
This is an initiation into this very ancient lineage of ancient dragon codes. During this six week journey you will receive your guardian dragon, along with how to work the energy of the dragon to create quantum acceleration on your path . We invite you to an activation of your original soul blueprint to reawaken the gifts that are stored within your DNA.
This series is very special as it is curated to provide a deep level of expansion + DNA activation, unlocking of past life gifts, to discover and understand work with the dragon energy, and learn about the prophecy of the dragon lineage.
This masterclass will be a six week journey of:
Group + individual channeled messages from the akashic
Learn about the dragon prophecy of 2024 along with the numerology of the year
Light language + light code activations
Learn about the different dragon archetypes and what gifts they embody.
Chinese Lunar New Year celebration + akashic records message about the year of the dragon
Sound alchemy 5 year quantum acceleration - activate your higher self timelines + subconscious clearing
Closing circle with the Telosian council of light + Seraphin dragons + Lemurian healing council of light rainbow healing + stellar gateway activation + triple heart flame activation + galactic party cacao closing ceremony

the dragon archetypes:
‘ the ruby red dragon’
‘ the Sophia dragon’
‘ the Pearl dragon’ ’
‘ the golden dragon’
‘ the white dragon’
‘ the rainbow dragon’
‘ the seraphim dragons’
‘ the earth - air - water - fire dragons’’
the details:
This course is designed to bring forth a foresight on learning about the dragon prophecy, and moving forward in the golden age to activate the wisdom of the dragon energy from within. As you learn about your dragon guides you will also learn how to work with the archetype that is linked with your cosmic body to integrate the 5D consciousness and your rainbow crystalline light body, to fully embody your divine I AM presence.
If you miss a class a recording will be sent, however we recommend not to miss a class due to the channeling- messages- group work that we will have.
This journey will meet virtually once a week every Thursday starting February 1st - March 7th, 2024.
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 PM (PST)
February 8th
February 15th
February 22nd
February 29th
March 7th
March 14th
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 PM (PST)
Energy exchange: $555.00
$555.00-payable in full or two two payments upon registration
Two installments - $300.00 due on registration, second installment of $300.00 due on February 1st, 2024.
**** BONUS class, special guest for group channelled and akashic messages.
The quantum field, virtually from all across the world.
Channeled message from the akashic records by Kate Hula:
“Dragons are peace keepers, record holders, intelligent beings of light that attract the best in all of us. There is no fear with us. We are here as gentle guidance. We carry the wisdom of the past, present and future. Like the Akashic Records, we flow like ambers of every color in a rainbow, but there are more of us than you think. We are a collective and tribe. An energy of peace keeping. We wield great power in the collective, not to harm but to teach. We are master record keepers and spirit guides, keepers of ancient knowledge and records. We are also, along with the Lord of Lights, keepers of the akashic records. We work our angels to guide our souls to ascension and the great collective consciousness. We listen to your thoughts and hear your voices. We angels in the physical form and carry records on our backs and wings. We are angels in the sky, and mountains and seas.”
Join us as we connect daily, rain, snow or shine to strengthen our inner sun to that of the central sun. Your higher self will thank you.
With love,
In service to love.
Roxy + Kate + Karen + Divine Mother Shasta
meet our star family
Karen Weitz
Kate Hula
Roxy Ghoraishy