Upcoming Mystic Teacher Training Courses + Masterclass Series + Workshops



Wednesday  |  January 29th, 2025   | 7-8:15 PM (pst) LIVE or VIRTUAL

Join Roxy under this new moon in Aquarius + Chinese new year, as we celebrate the year of the snake and what this represents for this golden timelines that are here for this cosmic lunar celebration.

As we enter the Year of the Snake, a sign known for its enigmatic and introspective nature. The Year of Wood Snake will begin on January 29th, 2025 (Chinese New Year) and end on February 16th, 2026. The  year of the Snake, an animal said to symbolize wisdom, intuition and transformation.

As we enter the Year of the Snake, a sign known for its enigmatic and introspective nature. The Year of Wood Snake will begin on January 29th, 2025 (Chinese New Year) and end on February 16th, 2026. The  year of the Snake, an animal said to symbolize wisdom, intuition and transformation. The snake represents so many facets of shedding the old and bringing a new. A full cosmic rebirth, as the snake sheds its skin it emerges anew. The snake is also symbolic of the kundalini awakening, and the rebirth of one’s celestial light body. We are here to honor these golden timelines that are awakening for all of us, and receive the codes from the celestial stars, the great central sun, our star brothers and star sisters that are all supporting the evolution of a new paradigm where heaven meets earth. The GOLDEN TIMELINE is upon us.

Join us as we create ceremony under the celestial night sky, on this Chinese new year, New moon to receive frequencies to support our evolution, through sacred sound alchemy, light code activations, while setting  intentions. We will end the evening with blue lotus tea ceremony to ground back into our cosmic mind, body, celestial soul.

  • The Modern Mystic Facilitator Training 100H - 200H

    Join Maria Dimakos, Roxy Ghoraishy, and Karen Weitz for a three month journey as we embark on a 100H training to ignite the modern day mystic from within to activate the medicine woman, curandera, and shaman from within by teaching new age technology holistic healing + wellness modalities to navigate the changing times to usher in the golden age to live in the highest expression is truth wisdom and self expression.

    This program is curated to support the awakening of one’s consciousness and gifts to bring in a new paradigm that is upon us. This modern day mystic is a fusion of modalities curated to integrate modern day medicine with ancient practices and holistic energy medicine, sound + frequency therapy, and scalar technology, lightbody activations, and intuitive training, psychic and underworld psychic protections to support you to step into your path as a pillar of light medicine woman, holistic wellness practitioner for the new earth. This course is designed to awaken, ignite and support you on your journey of remembrance to walk the path of your highest calling.

  • The Ancient Alchemy of Sound Technology + quantum healing Masterclass

    An invitation to all the modern age sound alchemists to remember their true essence of harnessing sound technology in understanding how certain frequencies work with one’s energetic biofield. This is a course in learning and understanding the roots of the mystics who understood that sound was truly an ancient technology when used in sacred ceremonies with intention, could create miraculous altering states of consciousness. In this course we will understand the different frequencies of sound to activate DNA, and how to use sound and frequency in shamanic healing to help us align with our highest potential.

  • Ancient Sound Technology Alchemy Masterclass

    an invitation to all the modern age sound alchemist to remember their true essence of harnessing sound technology in understanding how certain frequencies work with one’s energetic biofield. this is a course in learning and understanding the roots of the mystics who understood that sound was truly an ancient technology when used in sacred ceremonies with intention, could create miraculous altering states of consciousness. in this course we will understand the different frequencies of sound to activate your star origins and Galactic DNA, and how to use sound for its various uses.

  • The Dragon Prophecy Initiation + Masterclass

    Join us in the window of the Lunar New Year as Kate Hula + Roxy Ghoraishy + Karen Weitz bring forth a six week masterclass to attune with the dragon guides and learn about the dragon prophecy through sacred ceremony, rituals, the akashic records and connecting with the ancient wisdom and technology of dragons.

    Dragon archetype is about color and frequency. A vision of God. The ability to work with your spirit guide of a dragon. They are heroes of every story. Galactic as they are angelic, dragons are the seers of past, present, and future. They offer gentle guidance to us in the form love and devotion. They carry the frequency of strengthen, devotion, and vulnerability. Dragons are honored in several cultures of their galactic connections and wisdom. But since they are carriers of truth, this makes them vulnerable to attacks. Many fear dragons, but they are out of love and peace. They remind us strengthen is inner, along with wisdom. As we honor ourself in the great gift of life, we receive so much in return. Each dragon represents a ray of color and energy ( like this color wheel tapestry) Some may need vitality, or unconditional love. But each dragon serves a purpose to connect you to the great divine source of the ethereal and divine God Source Creator of all.

Browse offerings:

Work 1:1 with Roxy in Mastermind.