Mystic Temple Retreat Booking
there is a saying that the mountain will call for you, you will feel the call, and when you know you will feel her call. for those who show up with an open heart will receive her infinite miraculous blessings.
activating March 2024

Connect with the magick of Mount Shasta
~ Rest + relax + recharge in this zen, stylish, boho-chic, community style 5 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom house.
Guests: 14
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 3.5
Additional areas: 9
Guests may share some areas

The mystic retreat temple is a holistic wellness and activation center that holds space for heart centered connection, bringing together community, teachings of the new earth, medicine music, sacred ceremony, mindfulness, and new age healing modalities through energy medicine, quantum healing, sound technology, and divine guidance through the wisdom of the akashic.
There are seven activation portals on this land with the first being a heart shaped labyrinth in the middle of the land. This is the first place we invite you to connect with the land as it represents opening your heart from within to receive, and letting of all old parts of self. The space was created as a sacred temple space and is energetically gridded with serpentine crystals from mount shasta, in which the center of the labyrinth in each of the four directions has stones from all across the word from egypt, sedona, kauai, glass mountain, to name a few of the sacred sites. The heart symbolizes journeying into the center of your heart, to recognize that all the answers we seek come from within, and there is only one way in, and only one way out. It is a reminder that you are the very essence of divine cosmic love.
Whether you are guided to join our online community of star family, or join in a retreat, or come for an lightcode activation on the mountain you will find deep love, peace, oneness and a feeling of coming back home. We invite you to feel this sacred invitation of bringing in alignment from your higher self to return home.
previous retreats and ceremonies at the mystic temple: