The mystic temple
Holistic wellness + new earth academy

What are lightcodes?
Light codes are energy patterns that hold specific energetic frequencies encoded with information from higher dimensional sources, such as the great central sun and the stars.
Every living being is encoded at birth with a specific set of light codes which function as their personal frequency or cosmic fingerprint. These codes are written in the DNA and contain the blueprint of the soul and ancient healing knowledge so great that it is beyond our linear mind, spoken language and comprehension. It is non-linear and beyond our logical thinking mind.
They are usually dormant in our DNA until we are able to tap into their energetic frequency and awaken the knowledge within ourselves.
Light codes can be transmitted in many ways so, in order to access them we need to understand the specific light language that is being used by ‘Source’ to communicate with us. Although spoken language is considered by many as a form of light language because it emits an energy pattern, there are other types of light language ancient symbols, movement, and artistic versions of channeling llightcodes.
Roxy works through, sound, toning, and connection with the great central sun to bring in the light codes that are specific to your souls blueprint. It can sometimes show up as pure plasma rainbow crystalline light rays, vocal light language, sacred art or even geometric symbols.
Lightcodes and light language activations open a deep part of one’s consciousness to connect one to their original star lineage which will activate many intuitive and clairvoyant, clairsentience, and claircognizance gifts.

Spiritual Entrepreneurship Mentorship
Join Roxy Ghoraishy virtually on a 4-month Spiritual 1:1 Mentorship. Activate your DNA and tap into your soul purpose to live your highest expression of truth, alignment, and purpose.
Arcturian Healing | 2024 Retreat
Join Roxy Ghoraishy and Paul of Venus for a 3 night + 4 day heart activation retreat in Mount Shasta, to connect with your divine soul light, to awaken your Sirius galactic DNA and expand into the highest timeline and version of self, from September 22- 25th.
The Mystic Facilitator Teacher Training 100H
Join Karen, Roxy + Sophia for a 100H masterclass to bring forth your soul's blueprint, activate your lightbody. Through light technology + alchemy sound as we take a deep dive into the ancient ways to utilize learn esoteric and holistic energy healing modalities.

what cosmic souls are saying:
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Join us for a 29 day FREQUENCY CHALLENGE with quantum healing + sound energy medicine
it is the great saying that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. if we are looking to create a new reality, we must first go within. frequency, sound, vibration is the quickest way to uplevel your life. this is where i have witnessed so much change not only in my life but my clients lives such as quantum shifts, timeline changes, miracles job opportunities, blessings, new chapters take place when we commit to our daily practice through sound alchemy meditations. a dedicated 29 day practice on one lunar cycle for 11 minutes a day can bring this change in your vibration and frequency. so we challenge you to create a practice with us and see what expands, and aligns in your life.
we invite you for this 29 day FREQUENCY CHALLENGE to join our YouTube community and reset your mind, body, spirit as you calm your nervous system by creating daily practice. through the practice of daily ritual we can tune to the music of the spheres that align with us with our highest path through raising our frequency.
sound is ancient technology of the future. through discovering the sacred technology of sound we can heal our bodies, improve our sleep better, detox our energetic bodies, to bring peace from within as we reset our nervous system. miraculous healings have taken place through the alchemy of these bowls.
your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, to create changes we must focus on our internal world. by observing the shifts in our inner vibrations, we can witness the ripples it creates in the external world around us. it’s time for MIRACLES, AND DIVINE ORCHESTRATION TO TAKE PLAY.
join us for a lunar cycle with our quantum community, and elevate in love together.
Crystal tones distributor
Learn the alchemy of sound healing.